Monday, January 1, 2018

News Round-up

Hello world,

Here I am again. And don't worry, I have not abandoned my blog. It's just that, for the last few months, there has not been anything to write - or in this case, the internet - home about. Basically, the last few months have been boredom. Fortunately, this was followed by some quality time with the family. And now what little news I have managed to scrape together...

Yeah !

First things first ! Happy New Year everybody !


This book had been kind of on hold. I had a chunk of it written the old-fashioned way - aka pen and paper - but in November, I spent a week typing out said chunk. Since then, I have been working on it. The work has been slow, but I'll take what I can get.

Game Front

Bought Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and finished it. (One VERY good game.) Now waiting for Episode 2 of the Freedom Chronicles. Also playing Fallout 4. So plenty of action happening there.

Alas, as busy as things have been on the PC, so quiet things have been in Frontier Fleet. Posting has been slow. Hopefully things will pick up in January.

Show Front

Been re-watching all seasons of ER. Great show !

And that's all folks.


Edmond Dantes