Sunday, September 26, 2021

How does he do it ? (@Barondestructo)

Hi World,

It's me - Ruben - again. And this week, I realized that we were quickly approaching the end of September. (Or the start of October, if you want to get technical.) And that - once again - my blog had been gathering dust in it's dark, forgotten corner of the internet. (One of these days, I'll figure out it's physical location. But with my luck, it's probably a haunted castle in Romania or something equally spooky.)

As a Stargate fan, I often read Joseph Mallozzi's Blog and he posts every day, which makes me wonder...~How does he do it ?~ Because if I manage to write five entries per month, it's a miracle. And this blog is not the only part of my internet footprint to be often neglected. My Twitter account and YouTube page often go long stretches without attention. 

My Twitter only gets love when I blog or add an new chapter to one stories. And seeing an update to my YouTube account is like looking for snow in the Sahara. So, mark the date, people. Because....

A New YouTube Playlist

I had three playlist:  Shameless Self-Promotion, Working Music and Research. But they were all kind of serious. So, today, I added:


Right now, it's only six videos. Some are in Dutch, some are in English. But - who knows - maybe more videos (and languages) will follow. Speaking of follow, was there anything I need to squeeze into this blog. Oh, yes.....

Dark Empire Update

The latest Stargate: Dark Empire chapter you can currently read is number 10. The good news is that Chapters 11 through 14 are ready to go. The bad news is that they have to wait until Chapter 15 is done before I can launch them into the dark bowels of the interweb. So, back to work it is....

Ruben A. Hilbers (aka Commander Nash)

Friday, September 10, 2021

Post 100 !!!!

 Hello World !

So...this is my 100th post. But....euhm....well, not really. You see, this blog is used to be bigger. I used to rant and rave about...well, a lot of stuff. And then I forgot about this blog for a couple of years, before rebooting it as something a LOT more professional. And as part of that reboot, I threw out a dozens of old posts. So it would be fairer to say that this is me getting back to 100. Anyway....


My old PC - and when I say old, I mean OLD - has been replaced. After a whopping seven years, it is gone. And with a new computer came new games. So I have been busy playing through The Outer Worlds - which two expansions - and the Mass Effect Trilogy (Legendary Edition). I've also replayed Wolfenstein: The New Colossus and Wolfenstein: Youngblood . So that's why haven't blogged for a while. But now I'm getting back to it. Which brings me to....

Other Stuff I'm Up To

Besides dusting off my blog, I've also written a letter to Robservations. Presented by Robert Meyer Burnett, Robservations is a show about popular culture on YouTube. And one of the features on the show is reading (and responding to) fan letters. So fingers crossed.

And by sharing this blog entry on Twitter, I can begin dusting off my Twitter feed as well. As for Facebook....well.....I tried that for a week once. It drove me nuts, so I quit and I'm never - ever - going back. I also don't have any other social media. Twitter is it for me. I also didn't install it on my phone, on purpose. Only having it on my PC make it easier to ignore.

Finally, I want to get back to writing Stargate: Dark Empire. I'll have to check my notes and read the last few chapters to get back into the zone. But the plan is to get back to it. 

That's it for now, folks,

Ruben A. Hilbers