Monday, June 17, 2019

Plan and Changes

Hello World,

Here we go....

Goodbye Edmond

Many, many years ago, I picked the name Edmond Dantes as my writing name. Back then - at least to me - it made sense. My internet footprint wasn't that big and I really liked the Count of Monte Cristo - I still do, it's a good book - so I went with it.

But the times have changed. My internet footprint has gotten bigger. I got a Twitter account and a LinkedIn page. I've also published several fan fiction stories since. And now, my own name is better suited for my plans. If you Google Edmond Dantes, this blog is nowhere near the top. But if you search for Ruben Hilbers, it's on the first page. So, goodbye Edmond, it's been fun.


What this means is that my novels will say Ruben Hilbers on the cover. (Okay, technically Ruben A. Hilbers. But details, details...) Also, Plan A was to publish the books at Brave New Books, which is the self-publishing section of There is, however, one major downside of is that site only comes in Dutch.

When I originally published A Guy, Two Girls and a Serial Killer - under its original title of Hollywood - back in 2016, it took several months for the book to end up on And it didn't even expected it to.

This time, however, I want to do better. And means there's a fair chance I'll have to change (self-)publisher. But, which one ? There are LOTS of options. So - for the past two days - I've doing research and there's more ahead. Including figuring out the Commercial Campaign. Long story short, it's going to a busy week.

That's all for today.

Ruben A. Hilbers

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Getting going again

Hello world,'s been a while since I've written anything for my blog. Between a period that I wasn't feeling so hot and a much needed vacation to the beautiful island of Rhodes, several weeks have passed. But now,  I'm back. So, getting down to business...


Both A Guy, Two Girls and a Serial Killer and Buried Secrets are ready to go. And the chances of publication in July are looking good. The only thing that still needs to be done, is planning the promotional campaign. I only have a small amount of money to work with, so I need to figure out how to get the most bang for my buck.

Star Trek: Pathfinder

The Pathfinder relaunch is now in full swing. The amount of e-mails has gone up to a healthy number, and we've gotten a new member. Of course, more is better. So, if love Star Trek, and you're looking for a Play-by-E-mail RPG see:

Stargate Nova Roma

Chapter 9 and 10 of Stargate Nova Roma / Stargate Universe Season 3.5 are now available:

As tension between Earth and the Lucian Alliance come to a head, the fates of both sides and the Milky Way Galaxy as a whole will be changed forever....

That's all for today,

Edmond Dantes