Saturday, January 4, 2020

New Year, New Post....

And hopefully a fresh batch of inspiration

Hello World,

To begin with....Happy New Year !


My novel inspiration has been in the pits for the last quarter of 2019, but I did manage to write a few pages. Which I added to the manuscript today. (I know that it's old-fashioned, but I prefer to write pen and paper first and then turn that into a Word file.) So there is forward motion. Not much, but I'll take what I can get. What has been going forward at warp speed, however is....

Stargate Nova Roma (Universe Continuation)

November and December have been really busy of this front. Between the two of them, I have written Chapters 21 through 30. This means that Stargate Universe Season 4 is now complete. So the plan is for Stargate to go on hiatus and see if I can get my novel going again. Speaking of lack of inspiration...

Star Trek Pathfinder

....has not been going that fast as well either. Hopefully, things will pick up soon.

And that's all, folks,

Ruben A. Hilbers