Sunday, February 9, 2020

Removing dust....

....And Doing Research


So, my novel has not been going forward for a while. Until now, the only research material I've had was a map of Cairo. So on Monday I went to a local bookstore and got a travel guide on Egypt with a big chapter on Cairo.

And today I dusted off my YouTube account and began gathering documentaries on Cairo. Which also gave me an excuse to upgrade my 'about' page on the site. So I did. Anyhoo, moving on to....

Stargate Nova Roma (Stargate Universe Continuation)

Last week, I ran a poll on Twitter. Stargate Universe was originally meant to be five seasons long. And I have written both Season Three and Season Four. So I asked if I should stick to the original plan or not. Only four people voted, but three of them voted for sticking with the original plan. Hence, sticking with the original plan it is.

And that raised the to wrap things up in one season ? Fortunately, I had some ideas floating around. And today, I anchored all of those on paper. So I am now ready to get to work on write Chapter One of Season Five.

And that's all for today.


Ruben Hilbers