I have to much free time on my hands ?
All I did was connect three universes....
Okay, so this blog entry was kinda short. And I had a small update, which is figured was too small for a separate entry of it's own. So I decided to kill two birds with one stone and glue it onto her. Anyway, here we go...
Chess Games In Cairo
So, this project was frozen solid for months. But last Sunday, I spent a day working on the story and finally managed to get some traction again. And today, I've done some basic plotting of scenes. So, tomorrow, I'm going work on turning that skeleton into an actual chunk of story.
When that it is done, I'll still have to type said chunk into the computer file. (Call me old-fashioned, but I believe writing should be done with pen-and-paper first.) Anyway, forward motion ! Yay !
Ruben A. Hilbers