Sunday, May 9, 2021

Dark Empire

Hello World,

My new fan-fiction story Stargate: Dark Empire is now up on Here is the link:

Dark Empire 

So, what is this story about ? Well: 

Six months after the return of the Destiny Expedition, the Milky Way Galaxy has been plenty of changes for the better. But in the Pegasus Galaxy, a new threat is rising. Soon, Colonel Vale and the crew of Spera find themselves heading out to come to the aide of Atlantis and her allies...

And that's all for now,


Ruben A. Hilbers

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Back at It


Hello World,

With Chess Games in Cairo in the edit phase, I have more free time on my hands. Which made me realize that there was something wrong with Stargate Nova Roma

I finished the story of Destiny, I wrote new chapters in the story of the Milky Way galaxy. But where was the love for the Pegasus Galaxy ? 

That said, Stargate Universe - of which Nova Roma was a continuation - was supposed to be a five season deal. And Nova Roma was pretty well wrapped up. So I decided to start a new fan-fiction story to deal with the fate of Atlantis and the Pegasus Galaxy. 

That is the good news. The bad news is that I haven't posted anything on yet. I'm still working towards a nice cliffhanger to leave the first chunk of story on. Once I get there, I will post SEVERAL chapters and send out an update. 

That's all for now. 


Ruben A. Hilbers