Hi Alex,
So I've been watching Star Wars: Skeleton Crew for the past seven weeks. And I want to take a stab at predicting some stuff for the finale. So, without further ado...
First of all, I don't believe that Tak Rennod is dead for a second. I think the message from the supervisor that we heard in Episode 7 was an old recording made by the original overseer of At Attin. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Rennod used voice distortion on his logs. That way, anyway who listened to his logs wouldn't recognize his voice if they met him in the flesh. I think he killed the supervisor who was running At Attin when he arrived and has been running the show ever since. Which raises the question, why ? Well, that's my Segway to talk about...
...Inflation. The reason At Attin credits are valuable because they are made from a rare metal. Rare being the key word. But if you take all those credits and inject them into the galactic economy, the metal is no longer rare. And the worth of those credits plummets. Truly infinite treasure is worthless treasure. And I think Rennod figured that out. That's why he took over instead of coming back.
Rennod also knows better then anybody what makes pirates tick. If he went back into the galaxy, his fellow pirates would never believe the truth. They would simply think that's he hoarding the treasure for himself. And the whole thing would end in blood. That's why he took over as supervisor.
And when he tells Jod this, or Jod figures this out....Jod's plan is going to burst like a popped balloon. Which will force him to team up with the kids and the parents to defend At Attin.
That's all I have.
Ruben A. Hilbers (aka Commander Nash)