Sunday, January 13, 2019

Stuff happening

Hello world,

So....January is here....yeah ! In fact, we're two weeks into 2019. And there is stuff happening. Like....

USS Pathfinder

Alas, due to circumstances, the plug has been pulled on the adventures of the USS Pathfinder. A Play-by-Email role-playing game, this marks the end of eighteen years of Star Trek adventures. I wasn't around from day one, but still....we had gone run and it was fun. And I'm going to miss the old girl.


A Guy, Two Girls and a Serial Killer has been proofread and corrected. Thus, bringing publication one step closer. But now comes the hard part....planning the promotional campaign. I have limited funds, so I need to pick my moves carefully. But pick them I will.


Finally, the Christmas void is behind us. And one by one, all the shows I am following are coming back on the air. And even better, it's only a couple more days before season two of Star Trek Discovery airs. I know that season one took a lot of flak, but I am hopeful that season two will be better.

At the very least, it will give Captain Pike some much needed extra/new episodes. I mean, come on....Captain Kirk gets 78 episodes and six movies - Kelvin timeline stuff doesn't count - and what does Pike get ? Three episodes. Two of which were rehashes of episode one, with just a frame story around it. That sounds a little off-balance to me.

Anyway, that's all for now.

Edmond Dantes

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