Thursday, March 18, 2021

Bits and Pieces, Vol .2


.....Starting with Star Trek: Pathfinder

Alas, things are not going to well for Star Trek: Pathfinder.  An old-fashioned Play-by-E-Mail RPG, this game tells the world about the adventures of the USS Pathfinder: A Vesta-class equipped with transwarp drive zipping around the Milky Way Galaxy in 2404. 

Alas, the amount of post/e-mails was not spectacular and I only have an X-amount of time and creativity to go around. So, after some serious consideration, I decided to quit. And with that, moving on to....

Blog Updates

To begin with, I changed the skin of the Blog to give things a stir. I've also changed the Battlestar Xanthi link so it doesn't just link to the Xanthi stories, but all of my work. Speaking of which, I had an NCIS story that was just not happening. So I deleted it. (I'll also have to give my Stargate: Nova Roma blog/site an overhaul some day. But not today.)

So if not NCIS...

....what am I working on ? Besides August novel #3, I'm also trying to rescue my second Space: 2029 episode (Earthbound) from the same fate as my NCIS story. And yes, that means I'm going to kill off Sean Bean (aka Commissioner Simmons) <G> Okay, not really, since it's just a (fan-fiction) story. 

And that's all I have for today,

Ruben Hilbers

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Shameless Self-Promotion, Vol #2....

 ...Well, sort of. (Because I'm going to promote my family and friends instead)

When I began writing this, I vaguely remembered writing a post called Shameless Promotion once. So I did a search and found that I had indeed done so. So this because Volume 2. Well, sort of...

Because Ruben's Unwritten Rule NR. 1 is....."Never, ever, say you're a good writer." And never, ever PRESUME it either. Or as we Dutch say it..."Act normal, that's crazy enough." Don't toot your own horn. Because if you do, you're an arrogant schmuck. Case in Point...

Harry Mullisch

...the only writer I know to do that, was Harry Mullisch. And he was IMHO an arrogant schmuck. Why his books are still required reading in school, is beyond me. Reading Harry Mullisch sucks the run out reading like a Wraith Queen sucks the life out of the average Pegasus Galaxy native. So, let's quickly move on to the people I will be promoting. Starting with the...

Dutch Only Titles

Sorry, English people, these books are only available in Dutch. So, maybe press that fast forward button. Or not... ☺Up first....I am not the first Hilbers in my family to write a book. 

My grandfather Arie was a Vicar and wrote two theological books. "Bijbel and Arbeid." (The Bible and Work -1957) and "Een Goddelijk Beroep" (Divine Work -1962)  He passed back in 1990. But he's books are still out there. And I'll give you one guess what the A in Ruben A. Hilbers stands for. Anyway, moving on to....

My sister Rachel Kragt. (That's her married name) Rachel was in a musical called Vet! (Fat!) Aimed at school children, it was about food - healthy and otherwise - allergies, and even sneaking in a lesson or two about bullying. Alas, it been a couple of years. So I couldn't find a link. And finally...

My uncle Roel Steenbergen wrote a book about my cousin Martijn. "Martijn - Kroniek van een Asperger" (Martijn - Chronicle of an Asperger.) I could say a lot about this book, but in suspect that the translation of the title is telling enough. And it's time to get the English folks back onboard by moving on to...

English Only Titles

...the first English link on the list. Which is not to a book, but a CD. 

Made by my friend Richard Clogston, it is called...They'll Never Shut Us Up Beside leading his band, Richard is also an aspiring novelist. He has finished two novels and is cooking up his third - a sci-fi novel - right now. His novels haven't been published yet, but he's working on it. Updates as they occur.

I'm also pretty sure that Ann Montague has a novel out there. Alas, I couldn't find it. So you will have to settle for a link to her LinkedIn page. To wrap this up, I want to say that I met both Richard and Ann playing Star Trek: Pathfinder, a Star Trek Play-by E-mail RPG. 

And that's all I have for tonight,

Ruben A. Hilbers