Sunday, November 21, 2021

Serious Science, Vol. 1A

 #1A Extra information on the Abba Americanus

Greeting, fellow Scientists. This episode is an addendum Vol. 1 "Why you should never date American Girls/Women." It provides extra information on dangerous sub-species of the Abba Americanus aka "American Dad." Starting with....

Abba Americanus Centurion

Generally known as the American Military Dad, this subspecies is extra dangerous because it has access to larger amounts of firepower. 

Picture One shows an American Military Dad "Communicating." with a potential mate. 

Abba Americanus Farmus

Found outside the major urban centers of the United States, this sub-species uses lives in a small town or on a farm in the middle of nowhere. This species of American dad is extra dangerous because of their location, which is usually sparsely patrolled by law enforcement. This allows them to "Communicate" with potential mates without fear of reprisals. Furthermore, they are able to dispose of former potential mates by burying that little remains after "communication" in some random field.  

And that concludes today's episode.


Ruben Hilbers (Commander Nash)

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Bits and Pieces Vol. 5

Hello Alex,

Okay, to begin with, turns out that you are female. As for what you look like, well.....It took some digging, but I found my mental picture of you. (Hidden between grandma Coulson's secret chocolate chip cookies recipe and a pile of The Doctor's old socks. What can I say ? My mind can be messy.) Any how....

You are African-American, with your hair in a short pixie cut. It was dyed blond in the picture, do you still do that ? Not very surprising, you have brown eyes. But what really surprised me, was the Mackenzie Calhoun-like scar on your right cheek. I keep forgetting you have that. Maybe you'll tell me how you got it one day ? For now, however, I think we should move on to....

Why I don't talk about Politics about a lot

Well, because I am simply not a fan of politicians. A lot of my political post are my ranting at Trump. Who was an idiotic president and now is an idiotic ex-president. And I'm not happy about many a Dutch politician either. If I talked about politics, this would be one of those 'old man angry at clouds' type of blog. Which I don't want to be. Besides, there are plenty of those out there already. And we're walking...

Into a Short Dark Empire update

Chapters 16 and 17 are in the can. My day job ate all my energy for a while, but now I am back to working on Chapter 18. And, trust me, it contains a whopper of a surprise. (But I'm not saying. Muhahahahaha !) And that's all, people.


Ruben Hilbers (Commander Nash)

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Adding Balance

Hello Alex,

Okay, I used to have lots and lots of labels. But a couple years ago, I decided to make it more professional. And one of the things I did as part of that overhaul, was cut down the number of the labels. Only four survived the slaughter: Politics, Writing, TV-shows and Other

Now, there was plenty of entries with the label Writing. Counting this one, there are now 75. This is because being a novelist-slash-fan fiction writer I talk about writing...a lot. And I hate talking about politics. Plus, most TV-shows these days are not that good. So my review are few and far between. 

Which only leaves the label Other, which is basically my version of miscellaneous. And so far, there hasn't been all that much to put under this label. So, basically, this blog has been a bit lopsided. Another reason for this, is the simple fact that I am not an expert on music. That would be my friend...

Rick Clogston

Besides being a budding novelist - with a big pile of books cooking in a secret lair - Rick is the lead singer of his own band. Called the Red Hat Band, it has put out a album called They'll Never Shut Us Up. Which I'm sure Google can find for you. And his blog can be found here:

Rick's Blog

So, if you want a pro's opinion, go there. In the meantime, here's my amateur stab at it. Which is my transition to....

Voor Een Verre Prinses

Based on a poem, this song has lyrics written by Willem Wilmink and was sung by Herman van Veen. Ignoring the rights issues, I think it would make for a really good song if ever translated into English. So, what does it sound like...

The Song 

If you want to take a stab at translating it, here are the lyrics...

En voordat ik ging slapen
Was er op de radio
Wat stemmige muziek
Een beetje weemoed voor de vaak
Een beetje heimwee in de maak
Een beetje treurigheid en zo

Toen is mevrouw Herinnering
Met mij op stap gegaan

Helemaal naar jou
En ik dacht wat was het fijn
En ik dacht waar zou ze zijn
Een heel eind hiervandaan
Een speelse jonge hond was jij
Een mooie gekke meid
We waren nog zo jong en dachten er niet aan
Met elkaar naar bed te gaan
En dat spijt me nog altijd

Opeens toen was het uit
En ben ik dood gegaan
Dat wist je zeker niet
Nu ik die late platen hoor
Komt het verleden onzuiver door
'k heb medelij met mezelf

Ach, wat heb ik in het voorjaar
Veel van je gehouden
't lijkt weer zo dicht bij
En daar doen we het maar mee
Want nu volgt het A.N.P
Het Wilhelmus van Nassaue 

And that's all I have folks.


Ruben A. Hilbers (Commander Nash)

Bits and Pieces, Vol. 4

Hello Alex,

Yeah, two weeks closer to the end of winter. Which - for the record - I really, really hate. Anyway, moving on to...

Who is Alex ?

Up until now, my posts have started with 'Hello World' or just begun with a cold open. But today, I realized that I wasn't happy with that anymore. Instead, I'm now writing to my make believe friend Alex. And for those of you thinking...~Dude you totally stole that move from Anne are totally right. But it's a good move, so I don't care. 

As for who exactly Alex is...male ? Female ? Something else ? All of this is still up in the air, so stay tuned. For now, it's time to discuss...

Star Trek: Discovery - Season 4

I tuned out after Season 2. I haven't seen a single episode of Season 3 and intend to keep it that way. I've seen the trailer for Season 4 and here is my prediction....

The gravity anomaly turns out to be the graviton ellipse from Voyager episode "One Small Step". It turns that the "Voyager Barbarians" did something wrong that cause it to grow ginormous. And now Little Captain Perfect - aka Michael Burnham - has to fix the idiots mistake. 

Because that is the level of writing Alex Kurtzman and his team of hacks are operating on. Next slide, please. Which is...

My YouTube Page Update

As part of my google account, I got a YouTube page. I didn't generate it, I didn't ask for it, it's just a default thing you get apparently. For the longest time, I didn't realize I even HAD this. Until a while back, I found it and tried to turn it into....well, something. 

Now, I'm not the kind to put my face on camera. I'm one of those people who hates his own voice when he hears it in recordings. I sound like a male Fran Drescher. (If you don't know who that is, google it.) So I filled the page with playlists of other people's videos instead. 

And one of the lists I made was of songs that I like having in the background while writing. Or working at my day job. (Which I won't bore you with.) The problem was that I kept hear the same songs over and over. Because I would usually finish what I was doing before I reached the newer songs at the bottom of the list. 

So I gave the list an overhaul and added a part two. For the dry details, click the link....

My Corner of YouTube 

And that's all I have for this post, folks 


Ruben A. Hilbers (Commander Nash)

P.S. Oh, yeah, that's a thing I need to turn into a regular thing. Adding (Commander Nash) at the end.

Monday, November 1, 2021

January Yet ?

I hate winter ! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it ! Did I say that I hate I winter yet ? Because I do, hate winter, that is. If ever make the rich and famous list, this first ridiculous thing I'm going to buy - because once you're rich and famous, you can buy ridiculous things - is a house in some place where snow and cold are just concepts, not things that ACTUALLY happen. 


Ruben A. Hilbers