Sunday, July 2, 2023

How I would fix Nu/Trek - Part 1

Hi Alex,

So, back on 27/6, I wrote a blog on how I would save Star Trek. That one was tongue-in-cheek - partly to keep it short - but after some pondering, I've decided to do a serious version this time. Because NuTrek is not in a good place - as shown by the cancellation of Prodigy - and Paramount+ is slowly falling apart. 

I will confess that am not a fan of Kurtzman, Secret Hideout and their version(s) of Star Trek. But you don't have to take my word for it. Instead, read this MSN article....

Paramount falls apart

Anyway, to do this properly, I'm going to turn this into trilogy of blogs. I'll do my best to kick them out at a rate of one per day. So without further ado...

Step 1: Cancel all current shows

This is not just a matter of money. It is also a matter of quality over quantity. And about not over saturating your own marker. Further more, it is easier to promote one show then a whole bundle of them. And Trek might just need that to survive in a landscape where more competitors will soon enter the fray. 

Doctor Who is gearing up for another period under Russell T. Davies, while JMS is working on new things for Babylon 5. Plus, if even half the Stargate rumors Sci-Trek flings onto YouTube are true, they will be ready to steamroll over Trek once the writer's strike is over.

Step 2: Make Star Trek Legacy

The customer is always right. The customer is king. Give the costumer what he wants. And after Picard Season 3, the customers made it crystal clear that what they want is good, smart, well written Star Trek. Not what you are making now, which IMHO can best be labelled as DumbTrek. 


The days of Trek lacking competition are over. You want to survive the new landscape, the next round of the streaming wars, you need to make your customers happy. Right now, the costumers are unhappy and divided. If it stays this way, Trek will not survive. 

Step 3: Setting Up The Reset

In Legacy, introduce a plot-line that reveals that at same point in 26th century, the feud between the House of Mogh and the House of Duras escalated into a Time War. And that Discovery and Strange New World is showing up a timeline that has suffered damage and distortion from this conflict. 

The attack that killed Michael Burnham's parents, the time crystals on Boreth, the troll-like Discovery Klingons, basically everything Discovery and Strange New Worlds got wrong is the result of this mess. The crew of the Enterprise-G, however, is able to prevent the start of this conflict and damage is undone...

Why do this ? Because canon and consistency are nowhere to be found in NuTrek / DumbTrek. Getting the viewers onboard is the just beginning. If you treat them disrespect and like they are dumb, the customers will abandon you. So don't do it. 

To be continued...

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