Saturday, June 15, 2024

Star Trek: Forgotten Frontier

The Road to Get Here...

A while back, I wrote a letter to Robert Meyer Burnett, which he was kind enough to read/reply to on his YouTube channel. Before then, I was part of two Play-by-E-mail RolePlaying Games...First Star Trek: Pathfinder and then Star Trek: Freedom. But by the time of writing that letter, I was seriously considering starting a game of my own.
So what was that letter about ? It was a short demonstration of how easy it was to write something better then the brain dead Drek that Kurtzman and Co have been putting out. The letter was a short entry featuring my RPG character, a lovely Romulan lady called Yenna Chor'dan. After his reply, I decided to throw caution to the wind and start that RPG. 
I was planning to write a follow-up letter, but something is up with Maybe it's me, maybe it's on their end, but I can't get onto the site. So I needed to creative, and here we are. Time to move on to...
Shameless Self-Promotion

Back when I started my RPG, I wrote a blog about it and send it out on Twitter. Along with an ad
made by my second-in-command, Benjamin. One wee problem, nobody pays attention to either my blog or Twitter. So the plan was to cross my fingers and hope that RMB wouldn't tear me a new one for trying to using his channel for (shameless self-)promotion. Alas, the site didn't work...
Which brings us full circle. Besides Benjamin making the ad, I also asked my brilliant friend Richard
Clogston to write us a theme song. The result is now up on YouTube. So, what was I doing while Ben and Rick were doing this ? I was whipping up a wiki to serve as the game's website. I know zip about about coding, so that is the best I could do. (Well, that and it's free.) So, what is Forgotten Frontier about ? Well...

Forgotten Frontier

Set in 2376, the game tells the story of the tramp freighter SS Nothing. Named after he home-port of Nothing, Arizona, she is a home for those who have no other place to go to. Traveling through the Sol System, she finds adventure in the places Starfleet has forgotten about. 
(The first story arc will be set inside the Sol system, but if our intrepid crew beats the odds and survive it, they will set out for other solar systems.)  


Ruben Hilbers (aka Captain Yenna Chor'dan)

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