Friday, April 2, 2021

Bits and Pieces, Vol .3

 Hello World,

So, it turns out that if you're writing a blog, it's really hard to keep from repeating titles. When I wrote on 18 March, I was pretty sure that Bits and Pieces was the first entry with that title. But when I came to my blog today, I ran into an amount of doubt. So I checked the archives. 

And there was an entry called Bits and Pieces from 2019. Fortunately, renaming is easy. So I turned that ancient post into Vol 1, with the recent ones becoming Vol .2 and Vol .3. Anyhoo, moving on....

Star Trek: Pathfinder

Dude, what's up with the autopsy table ? Well, this is my not so subtle way of saying that poor Pathfinder is dead. 

A Play-by-the-Email RPG based on Trek, Pathfinder has been zapping around the universe for years. Alas, the amount of emails/posts has been going down. 

And now, the decision has been made to pull the plug. So, Goodbye Pathfinder.

Chess Games in Cairo

I finished writing Chess Games in Cairo. With emphasis on writing. I still have to type a chunk of the book into my computer. And after that come the pre-publishing phase: Finding somebody to check it for typos, writing the blurb and creating the cover. 

So it will probably still be a while before it hits stores. But I'm getting closer. And pre-publishing phase gives me time to start researching and cooking up ideas for Vol 4 of the August Smith Adventures. 

Any way, that's it for today.


Ruben Hilbers

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