Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Crossover Idea(s)

(Or am I the only who noticed this ?)
Hello World,
A short post today. But I have this thing knocking around in my head for ages.
As many a Whovian will be able to tell you, the coordinates for Gallifrey are 10-0-11-0-0 By 0-2.
But now looks what happens if we count the numbers we have. (Ignoring the by, since its not a number.) Ten (1) zero (2) eleven (3) zero (4) zero (5) zero (6) two (7)
This leaves us with seven numbers. Now if we add /\ (Earth's point of origin) , this starts to look a lot like an intergalactic Stargate address hiding in plain sight.
But wait....isn't it impossible to use a glyph more then once in a Gate address ? Indeed, but if add the position in the sequence to the number, this problem is solved. (So 10 + 1, zero + 2, etc.)
The new sequence would be 11, 2, 14, 4, 5,6, 9 and then PoO. Presuming the PoO is zero and not counted, we can figure out the actual sequence by counting (rotation wise) from PoO. (So 11 is the 11th symbol, 2 is the 2nd, etc.) So maybe, just maybe....Gallifrey has a back door ?
Edit: After completing my original post, I was watching Twin Destiny's (Stargate Universe) and wondered something...
Eli assumed what happened was a freak of physics. But what if it wasn't ? What if the Time Lords want Destiny to complete its mission as well ? They have the know-how, the technology (the Hand of Omega) to manipulate stars and the perfect cover story. The Doctor Who Television show. If anybody brings up the possibility, they will be shot down, because the Time Lords are a fictional species.
And on top of that, who created the Hand of Omega ? Omega. The thing is....the symbol omega looks a lot like a Stargate with the bottom part hidden under the floor. Like it is on Atlantis and Destiny. Coincide ? Decide for yourself.
Edmond Dantes

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